Sunday 29 April 2012

Inspiring: The Dreams of Roger

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*This is a repost of a video that a friend of mine made. He posted it to a car website to inspire the members there. I wanted others to see the video so that they too could be inspired. For all those wondering, Julia is still alive and Roger continues to run for her sake. So this isnt a video about sadness, it one of the human spirit and what it can accomplish.*

In 2008, Roger set out on a quest to lose weight, get healthy and eventually run in the Boston Marathon. But not just for himself, for his niece who was born with Cystic Fibrosis. His goal was to raise awareness for Cystic Fibrosis, along with raising money for research into the treatment and cure of this heartbreaking disease. This video highlights his incredible journey at age 47, from obesity to accomplished marathon runner.

Roger is a humble man, and continues to run marathons to this day to raise money for CF research. He works tirelessly to spread the message that you can accomplish anything you set your mind to do.

On November 6, 2011 Roger ran the New York City Marathon. It was his 12th marathon in the 2.5 years since he ran the 2009 Boston Marathon.

If you would like to read more or donate to the CFF (Cystic Fibrosis Foundation), you can browse to and read more about both Roger and CF.

As a personal note, I watch this video constantly when I need some positive motivation. It is my desire and his that this video reaches as many people as possible. For those that need the help, and ultimately, those who can donate. We can find a cure for CF. This is a dreamed shared by everyone. Please pass this video along. Every penny I get from the viewing of this video, will be donated to the CFF.

To watch Rogers other video, you can follow this link, where he discusses his journey:

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