Monday 6 September 2010

"Smoking Baby" Stops Smoking.. But Can It Last?

(CBS): The chain-smoking Indonesian toddler who gained instant worldwide fame via a viral video of him puffing away has gone into rehab - and given up cigarettes.

But now, reports CBS News Correspondent Betty Nguyen, Aldi Suganda, 2, is heading home, and there's concern he may give in to temptation and resume smoking once he gets there.

The video of Aldi smoking sparked outrage. He was smoking up to 40 cigarettes a day.

His mother, Diana, said she felt helpless in her efforts to breaking Aldi's two-four pack-a-day habit.

"I don't know of what will happen in the future," she said through an interpreter. " … We surely hope he will quit. … But what can we do but accept it is as it is?" ..

Aldi and Diana mother were taken to the capital, Jakarta, for intensive medical and psychological treatment, a trip paid for by the local government.

Jakarta translates to "complete victory," which is just what Diana was hoping for. "I brought him here to stop smoking," she said. "I came to Jakarta for help."

The night before treatment began, Diana watched her child smoke what she hoped would be his last cigarette.

In the morning, despite his mother's optimism, Aldi wasn't happy when he arrived at the hospital and was denied a cigarette.

What followed would be hard for any parent to bear, as Aldi wailed and smashed his head on the floor..

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